Change . Business
based: Johannesburg
Michael Jackson has over 30 years of strategic business, marketing and communications experience. Born in Britain, then London educated
and trained in business strategy development and communication, he has worked personally for business leaders such as Richard Branson and Bill Gates, as well many other leading global businesses such as Qatar Airways, HP, Goodyear and Barclays.
Michael is today internationally sought-after as a professional speaker and has also become globally renowned as a specialist on the
subject of change in a business context. He has carved out an enviable reputation as one of the best business-to-business speakers and facilitators on the global professional circuit by speaking at around 160 conferences and seminars a year since 1990, across Africa, Asia, Europe, the USA and the Middle East; to audiences ranging from factory workers to Heads of State.
He is consistently rated by his clients, conference organisers and audiences alike as ‘simply outstanding’ for the way he creates and delivers powerful messages – woven with personalised individual company and industry business messages to precisely suit every individual audience.
How Do We Break The Patterns That Shape Behaviours?
The definitive guide to presenting the new world of successful engagement through innovation in a manner which allows business people to re-discover the necessary priorities through which they can not only compete – but win, by eliminating the habits and norms that have become everyday behaviours.
How Do We Fully Understand The Meaning of Change?
The definitive guide to highlighting and demystifying the necessary business changes required to innovate successfully in the business marketplace today.
It delivers an accurate assessment of the 5 key forces of change that have shaped our generation, and show audiences how to decode and discover exactly what is required in the business world in order for people to be able to successfully compete and win into the foreseeable future.
Designed for people across all levels of the enterprise, Michael explains the business issues of the day in a clear, concise manner and delivers an outstanding, impactful and memorable presentation that makes his audiences not only think… but react.