Based: Johannesburg

Hip Hop/ Kwaito/ R&B/ House/ Indian Beats/ Rock/ Pop

He used to rap and break dance before becoming a DJ. He started spinning vinyl’s in 1994, right on time when South Africa was getting liberated. His first time spinning vinyls was in Club 51 in Yeoville. Since then, Dino Bravo has built a large fan base in venues like Club Mozambique, Calabash, The Base, Pink Cardilac, Who’s Who, Monaco just to name a few. Early 2002 he rocked Metro FM listeners on Saturday nights on Oupa’s show. He was later approached by DJ Fresh to join the breakfast show on YFM and where Dino Bravo introduced a unique style of mixing in Gauteng and also popularized what is known to South Africa as a MEGA MIX.

While on YFM artists approached him with music to play in his slot and due to the choices he made in selecting his playlist, he introduced new material that rocked listeners, which influenced the station music compiler to list the songs on rotation. Currently he is booked every week playing in private parties, he is the only versatile DJ in the country who is not limited when it come to music, he plays Hip Hop, R&B, Kwaito, House, Bhangra beats (Indian beats), Rock, pop music etc. He is the man that defines music and gives music a different meaning.
Due to Dino Bravo’s reputation and attributes in the music industry MTN invited him to the 2007 South African Music Award (SAMA) as the main DJ mixing during the awards presentation and VIP after party.

On radio he continues to give music therapy with fresh sounds to Fresh Drive listeners on 5FM every Thursday. He compiles, arrange and produce all his mixes that get listeners dancing on Fresh drive, most listeners on the show call him A.K.A cocktail because of his taste and versatility.

Dj Dino Bravo’s popularity in the music industry attracted interest from the biggest brand in the dj equipment Denon, to have him associate his brand with their equipment, which contributed to increased sales to young aspiring black dj’s.

