Based: Durban
Dagbreek is a young, vibrant and unique duo in a league of their own that engages their audience into an energetic and lively performance. At their venues audiences are always eager to participate and sing and dance to the well-known classics and rhythmic modern pop & rock. The band’s trademark style is evident from their pristine and harmonious vocal and soaring lead guitar solos as well as their original Afrikaans material. They boast male and female lead vocals that will liven up any crowd & will get young and old out of their seats.
Dagbreek performs an extremely diverse selection of music; from Afrikaans hits to 80’s and 70’s rock, 90’s pop and rock ballads and the latest chart topping hits ensuring an enjoyable experience for young and old. The band likes to incorporate their own style in the covers they perform but audiences can expect to be captivated by their emotive and heartfelt original material as well.
The two lead singers Wade and Tammy have an extensive background in music being born into a family of musicians. Wade is also the lead guitarist in the group and studied BMus in Jazz and classical guitar.
Dagbreek is available to perform at corporate functions, weddings, parties etc.