Based: Cape Town

Sandra Kettle studied piano with Sona Whiteman and Laura Searle in Cape Town and Bernd Goetzke in Hannover, Germany. She has a Master degree in piano performance from the College of Music, U.C.T. and a Concert diploma and Chamber music diploma from the Hochschule fur Musik und Theatre in Hannover, Germany.

Ms Kettle has won many prizes including the 2nd prize in the 1993 SABC piano/organ competition and the prize for the best rendition of a classical sonata at the same competition. She won 2nd prize (Tertia Franszen) prize in the UNISA overseas competition, the SAMRO “merit” scholarship for overseas study and 2nd prize in the Adcock Ingram competition. Sandra has performed with all the major orchestras in South Africa. She has given solo and chamber music recitals here and around Northern Germany and still is an active pianist in the country.

Sandra has also been invited to sit on the panels of various competitions. Ms Kettle is also part of the DRAVIC duo- with pianist, Victor Tichardt. Miss Kettle is lecturer in piano studies at the College of Music, University of Cape Town and resident accompanist at the Beau Soleil Music Centre. She is classed as one of the country’s leading accompanists and is sought after as collaborative player and in chamber music ensembles.

Recently, Ms Kettle was invited to join the board of UNISA examiners.

