Clinical Psychologist

Based: Johannesburg

Khosi is a TV show host and family conflict mediator on My People (SABC 2), was a relationship mediator on ‘Fix My Love’ (BET Africa), was the resident clinical psychologist on SABC 3Talk with Noeleen, and development and content advisor on ‘Khumbul’ekhaya’. She co-presented ‘It’s for Life’ on ‘MTV-Base’ and was consulting psychologist on ‘Dream School’ in South Africa and on BBC Africa. She is a resident clinical psychologist on Talk Radio 702’s Breakfast Weekend with Refiloe Mpakanyane.

She features regularly on topical personal, social and business issues on national and community television, radio and magazines, including Destiny, Drum, O Magazine, and True Love and authored a self-empowerment series for Essays of Africa magazine.

On corporate stages, in-person and online, she guides audiences through the realities of life today, and most-recently, her skillset is called upon to assist organisations deal with the mental-health and stress fallout being felt by all levels of society, not only in their personal lives but of equal importance, in the workplace.

Khosi was born and raised in eZola, Soweto. Through the cultural melting-pot of township life, she speaks 9 of South Africa’s 11 official languages, with varying degrees of fluency. She navigated what came to be known as ‘the lost generation’ era and graduated with a BA degree in Psychology and Sociology from Wits University, a Post-graduate Diploma in Human Resources Management from Wits Business School. She completed her Honours and Master’s in Clinical Psychology (cum laude) with the University of Johannesburg, where she is currently a PhD candidate.

An Associate at The Human Edge, Khosi facilitates Crucial Conversations, Crucial Accountability and Change Anything, which are New York’s best-selling training programmes for creating a high-performance corporate culture. She facilitates across a broad corporate, parastatal, public and tertiary academic client spectrum throughout Africa.

She has been recognised for “most lives touched” and for being delegates’ “best facilitator” for 5 successive years. She has served as an Associate Facilitator in Deloitte’s DDI methodology, an Associate Facilitator in Positive Power and Influence as well as Positive Negotiation Programmes for The Influence Company as well as an Organisational Change Facilitator with Leadership Pathways.

She has developed and facilitates self-leadership and personal mastery seminars, which takes delegates on an intensive experiential journey of ‘introspection’ on self-limiting thought and behaviour patterns, and empowers them with the motivation and skills to unleash their own unique potential across their personal and professional lives. This is coupled with individual coaching, to consolidate a change action plan and follow-through support over time.
