Sales. Leadership . Diversity/inclusion

Based: Johannesburg

Taking the audience on an inspirational journey from the birth of humankind to the present, Justin Cohen shows how the explosive speed of progress is fuelled by our unique ability to tell stories.
If you want to grow an organisational culture, share knowledge, sell a product or lead a team you need to use the oldest and most powerful form of influence, you need to tell a story.

Even when we’re not speaking, our brand, offices, clothes and interpersonal style are telling a story. Finally there are the stories we tell ourselves, these are the source of our 
success or failure.

Justin is the author of four books and seven audiobooks. He hosted a television talk show in which he interviewed some of the world’s top experts on success. As a leading authority on human potential, with an Honors degree in Psychology, Justin Cohen speaks, trains and writes in the fields of motivation, sales, service and leadership. Having spoken professionally for twelve years, Justin has presented in thirteen different countries, and in virtually every industry, to an average of eight thousand people annually.

Justin Cohen is a Certified Speaker Professional (CSP).  The CSP is conferred by Global Speakers Federation. Less than 10% of the speakers who belong to the GSF have been awarded this professional designation.



