Based: Cape Town

Greg Gelb has been wowing people with his magic and humour since he was 9 years old. Born and bred in the heart of Cape Town, Greg grew up with no formal magical training. Self-taught, he learned the craft and began reading books about magic from cover to cover, practising on whoever would stop and give their attention to the magic of Greg Gelb.

Greg has the chops, the personality and the warmth that make for a great stage presence as he takes you on a mystical and mysterious journey. Remember the amazement you felt when you watched the magician at the Spur pull a coin from your ear? Remember the feeling of astonishment when you saw your first magic trick? Those feelings are what you feel when you sit down with Greg. Nothing else matters except for you and the tools he will use to blow your mind.

Greg has worked for many corporate companies in the past: Marcel’s Frozen Yoghurt;  PR – Net ZA Where’s My Transport?, United Herzlia schools; the Belgium Beer Company, to name a few, and most recently, he is the resident magician at The Thirsty Scarecrow in Stellenbosch.

Greg performed at the Cape Town Magic Club in April of 2016 as a “guest” performer, and he has returned to the scene for season 2. Be prepared to be amazed, amused, astonished, and astounded as you join Greg on his journey of magic and mystery

