Based: Cape Town
Speaks English and Afrikaans
With a career spanning nearly ten years both nationally and internationally, Ewan Strydom has become a household name and celebrity favourite, as one of the enigmatic hosts of the popular SABC3 breakfast show Expresso, now broadcast to international audiences via The Africa Channel. He also hosts Smile FM Midday show at 3pm.
Starting out as a sought after local and international model, Ewan went on to grace many publications but most notably the covers of Men’s Health magazine.
He made his debut as a TV presenter on the M-Net magazine show All Access, in June 2009, before joining Expresso’s live show as a fully bilingual live TV SHOW presenter.
With his charm, charisma and passion for what he does, Ewan has become a sought after emcee for events ranging from the Launch of The One and Only Summer Series, Africa Utility Week Awards, SABC 3 Good Food and Wine Activations, SAMA Activations to name a few.
Giving back and making a difference is hugely important to him having emceed events for the Sunflower Fund, taking part in The Cancervive Ride 2016, an initiative embarks on a 2600km journey on motorbikes raising awareness around early cancer detection and not forgetting his participation as the main event in two celebrity amateur boxing matches to raise funds for the Kika trust.
Through hard work and dedication and exceptional committed to every project he embarks on, Ewan’s star is on the rise with no sign of slowing down any time soon.