Based: Cape Town

Comedian Carl Weber is “bald, confident and owns the stage” (ComedyCrntral).  He speaks excitedly about the differences between his hometown of Bloemfontein and his new home Cape Town. He can switch seamlessly between his impersonations and spends a lot of time breaking down what is wrong with the world of TV and films. Rolling your eyes? Not at all. The broad theme might be staid, but Weber gives it a fresh klap and beats it into something original.

This self-confessed “farm boy” has been honing he’s comedic skills on the Cape Town comedy circuit since 2010. He has performed at the annual Rocking the Daisies Festival for the past 4 years, doing outdoor events like 2010 annual Kite festival as well as 2011 Navy festival. In 2011 he won the Phat Joe’s Cape Town’s Next Comic sponsored by Heart FM. Taking the leap into theatre, Carl completed a 4 night run as part of Stuart Taylor’s Intimate Comedy Sessions at On Broadway. He was also chosen to open to 1500 people for Loyiso Gola’s one man show “Life & Times”, where his set was extremely well received. He has gone on to win the Graca comedy showdown 2011, which won him a spot in the coveted Nandos comedy festival, sharing a stage with international comics like Greg Behrendt (best selling author of “he’s just not that into you”) and the internationally acclaimed comic Pablo Francisco.

2012, Carl has worked his way into hosting and headline spots at all the big club gigs in cape town, becoming one of cape town’s most entertaining hosts as well as making his TV debut on comedy central in 2012.

Also joining Kurt Schoonraad’s  Jou ma se comedy club collective at the National arts fest in Grahamstown 2013. As well as joining Riaad Moosa 2014 “In stiches” show at the CTICC in Cape town .

Carl has been selected as part of the cast of the 2015 Jive Cape town funny festival, the Annual funny fest at the Baxter theater.

Most recently 2016 returning from the National arts fest in Grahamstown with his debut one man show “the bloem boykie diaries” directed by Stuart Taylor

Annual Rocking the Daisies Festival and Synergy 2010, 2011,2012 20132010 annual Kite festival as well as 2014,2015 and 2016 Annual Toy runWinner of the 2011 Phat Joe Cape Town’s Next Comic (Heart FM)4 night run at Stuart Taylor’s Intimate Comedy Sessions at On BroadwayOpening for Loyiso Gola’s one man show “Life & Times” Winner of 2011 Graca Comedy Showdown 20112011 Nandos Comedy Festival (with international comics Greg Behrendt & Pablo Francisco)TV debut on Comedy Central in 2012 2013 Member of Kurt Schoonraad’s Jou Ma Se Comedy Club Collective at the National Arts Fest, Grahamstown2014 Joined Riaad Moosa’s “In stiches” show at the CTICC in Cape Town2015 Cast of Jive Cape Town Funny Festival, Baxter Theater 2015 Regulary host and headliner at Cape Town Comedy Club2016 Launch of his debut one man show “Bloem boykie diaries” at the National arts festival in Grahamstown, Directed By Stuart Taylor.

