Based: Cape Town
“Inside Out” is an exciting, professional musical duo, based in Somerset West. Their aim is to please any given audience. They have an extensive and continually growing repertoire of varied music, ranging from popular jazz standards to rock, oldies and a selective number of today’s hits and music for all occasions.
“Inside Out” consists of Angie (lead vocals) and Mike (lead vocals and guitar). The band use digital backing, giving them a very full and professional sound.
Angie is from Liverpool UK, where she had huge success as a singer. She has all the talent and stage personality one can expect from a true professional. Her vocals are energetic and at other times as soft and gentle as summer rain. Angie also has a personality on stage that matches her singing abilities. She has the knack of keeping her audience enthralled. She is comfortable singing virtually any style of music from rock and blues to jazz.
Mike is a long-standing singer/guitarist. A “class-A” rock specialist with a quality singing voice to match his style. He is a highly talented musician with years of experience. His well-crafted lead guitar work absolutely stuns the audience and provides the essential “grit” to the sound of the band. He is most widely known for his years on the rock circuit in his former duo “Online” & “The Joe Parker Show Band” Together, Angie and Mike are a must for any venue and any function.
Angie says: ” The chance to work with some of South Africa’s top
musicians within the caliber of “INSIDE OUT” is an experience not to be missed, and I’m absolutely loving every minute…