Banking. Finance. Business

Based: Johannesburg

Barry joined Nedbank in 1983 after graduating with a BCom from the University of Natal. He began his career in Corporate Banking where he pioneered the Bank’s electronic banking business and in Treasury, where he re-engineered the back office operations.
In 1991, Barry was tasked with leading the Bank’s IT function. The initial critical requirement was the migration of the underlying technology platforms of the Bank to ensure the Bank’s long-term viability. This transformation was achieved without interruption to client service, on time and within budget. This platform formed the foundation for two subsequent bank mergers, which were achieved within the estimated schedule and exceeded the financial synergy projections.
In 1995, Barry completed the Advanced Management program at Harvard. Upon his return, Barry was asked to lead the newly formed Technology and Operations Group which combined IT together with the service and back office operations of the Bank.  This group, made up of approximately 10 000 staff, achieved significant productivity gains for the bank through the application of IT enabled process re-engineering.
In 1999, Barry was appointed an Executive Director of the Bank and as a Global Leader for Tomorrow by the World Economic Forum. Barry joined the South African Revenue Service (SARS) in the second quarter of 2006 as the General Manager for Strategy, Modernisation and Technology, at the request of the current Finance Minister, Pravin Gordhan. Under the leadership of the (then) Commissioner Gordhan, he was responsible for the delivery of the Modernisation Programme. In 2010 Barry was appointed Chief Operations Officer for SARS under the leadership of the then Commissioner Oupa Magashula. His portfolio brings together Modernisation, Technology and a significant part of the operations of SARS.
